Thursday, August 2, 2012

Happy August!

I meant to blog yesterday, but I missed it! So, I'm wishing this for you a little late.

Happy Air Force Day!

The photo was taken at Lackland AFB, where I was stationed for a couple of months.

I hope it was a happy one! Having been in the Air Force, I have a soft spot for it and flying. Find out more about Air Force Day from the Department of Defense here!


I'm still working on the shawls with the Celtic knots. The one I'm currently almost finished has a knot that's made up of hearts. I really love this one.

If you look at it, there are two hearts with their bottom points touching in the center, and the knot expands into a big, overall heart.

That's made from Knit Picks Tweed in Marine Heather. The color is rich and beautiful, and the photo doesn't do it justice. You can see it better if you click the link. It is a blue that leans toward turquoise, and the heathering makes it look so deep and rich. It's soft, and just a wonderful yarn! I love this yarn!

I talked to Holly on Sunday, and she's going to drive out here and see me. It's been a little over a year since I've seen her, although we talk on the phone frequently. I'm really looking forward to trying to find a good chair for me that doesn't damage my elbows like my current one does. I really hope we can find it on Sunday, because it I don't find it until later, I'll have to try to get it home by myself, which means a cab, which I don't think will be a good arrangement.


Well, it's that time of year again. Pennsic is already under weigh, and some of my friends have already gone. For those of you who don't know, Pennsic is one of the biggest events put on yearly by the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), and it attracts people from all over the world.

Pennsic started as a war between the Middle Kingdom and the Kingdom of the East, and it features all sorts of battles including a field battle, woods battle, bridge battle, siege, melee, and much more. The different battles accrue points, and points are also added for winning many other kinds of competition, especially in the arts and sciences. There are also classes in the arts and sciences, royal courts, and shopping, shopping, and more shopping! And I'm not even mentioning the large part of the populace who stay up and party all night.

We are still currently in the first week of Pennsic. It will really get going on Saturday, when the majority of attendees will start arriving. More info as it happens!

I need to get some other things done, now, so I'll try to blog more frequently in the future.

Have fun in the meantime!

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